Midjourney Prompt 提示词秘籍

midjourney prompt Midjourney




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Surrealism - 超现实主义



Prompt: Turtle in Alice In Wonderland, surrealism

kerry Turtle in Alice In Wonderland surrealism 69ad4147 3fae 4d8f a823 5b33dc90dd15

Cyberpunk style - 赛博朋克


Prompt: Snail in a cyberpunk style

kerry Snail in a cyberpunk style 306726ed 220f 41ee 90bd e7cdac327d10

A as B - A 像 B 一样


Prompt: a rabbit as Harry Potter

kerry a rabbit as Harry Potter 952cda18 4549 429d b9df 4bf3f6f49172

Double exposure - 双重曝光


Prompt: Double exposure of a wolf and a mountain, natural scenery, watercolor art

kerry Double exposure of a wolf and a mountain natural scenery f4f4f1f4 ff3f 4858 9a3f a1abc7a826f9

Knolling - 强迫症最爱

Knolling 这种风格一定是受强迫症的喜爱了,整整齐齐,看着特舒服。

Prompt: Knolling of solar system, photo realistic

kerry Knolling of solar system photo realistic a492b07e 186d 4851 accc bfc4367da8e5



Prompt: a rabbit , ASCII art

kerry a rabbit ASCII art 1bc50fde d78a 4c6c b263 205760535db5

isometric - 等距图

Prompt: hotel, 32 bit isometric

kerry hotel 32 bit isometric 5cd7b8dd 4562 4c86 9b9b e868cd88bb4b

Retrowave 或 Synthwave - 合成器浪潮

Prompt: A cool girl wearing a hoodie, looking into the camera, city in flame behind her, retrowave, — ar 3:2

kerry A cool girl wearing a hoodie looking into the camera city adb82203 7fff 4af9 a810 b458239e6833

Paper quilling - 绗缝艺术纸花

Prompt: Tiger sniffs roses, paper quilling

kerry Tiger sniffs roses paper quilling 903ec8c2 ef23 4580 89ba b1612d991196

Prompt: Paper quilling, a cat and a little girl, night forest, very detailed

kerry Prompt Paper quilling a cat and a little girl night fores 6a5dc1f0 521c 4f20 ae42 f7b202858536

DuoTone - 双色调

Prompt: First man on the moon, duotone, blue and grey

kerry First man on the moon duotone blue and grey eccde77f 45e8 424f aefb 2a9ddcff82a5

Diagrammatic - 示意图

Prompt: A Nokia cell phone, diagramatic drawing

kerry A Nokia cell phone diagramatic drawing 2a9f4269 6772 4bdc 9006 65f345643d6a

Infographic - 信息图

Prompt: iron man's suit, Infographic

kerry iron mans suit Infographic 60ba97fb b8b7 48c2 b075 06bfdd2a7110

Stained glass window - 彩色玻璃

Prompt: A couple holding hands, in style of stained glass window

kerry A couple holding hands in style of stained glass window fd81a4bb 5e06 4551 971b 805f400881ae

Watercolor - 水粉画

Prompt: A couple with a dog in watercolor

kerry A couple with a dog in watercolor bf443760 720e 41a9 8075 426c6bcb4a5d

Phantasmal Iridescent - 梦幻般的彩虹色

Prompt: Portrait of a smoking beautiful woman, phantasmal iridescent

kerry Portrait of a smoking beautiful woman phantasmal iridesce 9c48b239 ff3a 4a76 9c50 4172c248dc9d

Plasticine - 橡皮泥

Prompt: a plasticine castle

kerry a plasticine castle 1c57aeb4 74fd 4919 966a 5af26789268d

Typography art - 排版

Prompt: A girl who wants to go to school, typography art

kerry A girl who wants to go to school typography art 67237793 1c37 47d1 826d 4e46b622042d

Character concept design sheet - 角色概念设计图

Prompt: Night elf female warrior, headshot, close-up character design, multiple concept design, concept design sheet, white background, Yoshitaka Amano style

kerry Night elf female warrior headshot close up character desi c06b2b57 ba79 42f3 ab29 a296d5f9f7c2

Blacklight - 黑光


Prompt: Blacklight wolf

kerry Blacklight wolf 54906d9a 9932 4700 b7c7 47aebd190bd4

A made out of B - 用材料B做成物体A


Prompt: Isometric FIsh out of colorful flowers

kerry Isometric FIsh out of colorful flowers fc049f9a 624d 4db0 9184 7c9130c0ed31

Matrix raining code - 数字矩阵

Matrix Digital Rain 是 Matrix 系列的标志性部分。 作为 Matrix 模拟现实世界的代表,这种下降代码在动态排版中变得非常流行。 这是一种在屏幕上呈现 Matrix 活动的视觉震撼方式!

Prompt: Batman, Matrix raining code

kerry Batman Matrix raining code e56d7ed7 73d3 4dae adc6 71fdf0a7c66d

Futuristic - 未来派

Prompt: artificial intelligence, Futuristic ,4k

kerry artificial intelligence Futuristic 4k d011c934 01fd 48f8 99b8 088a5dd48baf

Sprite sheet - 精灵表

做游戏可以用到的Sprite sheet。

Prompt: plants in the desert, sprite sheet, 8 bit

kerry plants in the desert sprite sheet 8 bit e6cb3bc7 5149 4a27 a71f 644ff4006635

Prompt: plants in the desert, sprite sheet,3d 32 bit isometric

kerry plants in the desert sprite sheet3d 32 bit isometric 3b738fbc 0735 4a68 80b9 38f265cd21a0

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